Harmonize Your Home Office: Excel in Remote Work and Childcare


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In today’s world, the line between professional and personal life is increasingly blurred, especially for parents managing remote work and childcare simultaneously. This balancing act, while challenging, can be navigated successfully with the right strategies and mindset. Today, Compassionate Care Doula shares some practical tips for creating a harmonious and productive environment, ensuring you effectively meet your professional obligations and your kids’ needs.

Communicating with Your Employer


Maintaining open lines of communication with your employer is crucial. Transparently discuss your childcare situation to explore flexible work arrangements that accommodate your parental responsibilities. Establishing this understanding can lead to a more supportive and adaptable work environment. Remember, most employers value your contribution and will work with you to find a balance that benefits everyone.

Reassessing Career and Education


In the dynamic balance of remote work and childcare, it’s not uncommon to find your current job less stimulating or to desire a career change. This is where the advantages of an online computer science degree come into play. Such a program allows you to dive into the realms of IT, programming, and computer science theory, all while maintaining your current job responsibilities. If you’d like to get started, you may consider this option. Online education provides the flexibility and convenience needed to enhance your skills and propel your career forward, without compromising your commitments to work and family. 

Strategically Planning Work Hours


Adjusting your work schedule to align with your child’s sleep or independent playtime can create pockets of focused work hours. Consider waking up earlier or allocating time during naps for tasks requiring deep concentration. This adjustment can significantly enhance your productivity without compromising your parenting responsibilities. Setting specific work “blocks” can also help you manage expectations with your family, ensuring they understand when you are available and when you need to focus on work tasks.


Creating a Contingency Plan


Life with children is full of surprises. Having a backup plan for those unexpected moments is essential. Whether it’s a neighbor, friend, or family member who can step in when needed, a contingency plan ensures you can handle work emergencies without added stress. Proactively discussing potential scenarios and solutions with your support network can save precious time and reduce anxiety during unexpected childcare hiccups.

Engaging Your Child During Work


Providing your child with quiet, engaging activities can significantly reduce distractions during important work calls or meetings. Educational toys, puzzles, or art supplies can keep them occupied, allowing you to maintain professionalism and productivity during your work hours. Introducing a “quiet playtime” routine can also help kids understand and respect your need for uninterrupted work periods, fostering a sense of cooperation and mutual respect.

Establishing Clear Boundaries


Setting clear boundaries with your family is vital to minimizing interruptions. Designate specific times or signals that indicate you’re in ‘do not disturb’ mode, especially during crucial work tasks or meetings. This clarity helps everyone in the household respect your work time, creating a more structured and interruption-free environment. Regular family discussions about the importance of these boundaries can reinforce their significance and ensure everyone’s cooperation and understanding.

Investing in the Right Tools


Equip yourself with tools that aid concentration and productivity. For instance, noise-canceling headphones can be a game-changer, blocking out household noise and allowing you to focus on your work. This investment can significantly improve your work efficiency, especially in a bustling home environment. Additionally, consider ergonomic furniture to enhance comfort during long work hours, reducing physical strain and increasing your overall well-being.

Efficient Meal Preparation


Streamlining mealtime can save precious minutes during your workday. Consider meal prepping or batch cooking to minimize kitchen time so that you and your family can access healthy meals without interrupting your workflow. Organizing your kitchen and meal plans can also involve your children in the process, making meal preparation a shared family activity that doesn’t detract from your work obligations.

Harmonizing Remote Work and Childcare


Balancing remote work with childcare is a complex dance that requires patience, planning, and communication. By adopting these strategies, parents can create a structured and supportive environment that caters to both their professional and familial roles. While the challenge may seem daunting, it’s also an opportunity to model adaptability, resilience, and problem-solving for your children. Embrace the journey, and watch yourself and your family grow stronger and more connected through the process!


Compassionate Care Doula is here to help. Questions? Don’t hesitate to reach out!

Thank you for writing this article,

Kristin Louis




Tips on How to Improve Your Sleep Quality

Tips on How to Improve Your Sleep Quality

Image via Pexels

Do you find yourself tossing and turning every night? Struggling to fall asleep despite being tired? You’re not alone. Research shows that over 50% of people worldwide don’t get enough quality sleep every night. Lack of sleep can cause many health problems, from mental health issues to physical ailments. But what can you do to help yourself get better sleep? Fortunately, there are several tips and tricks you can try. In this article shared by Compassionate Care Doula, we’ll explore some of the most effective ways to help you get better sleep tonight.

Avoid Nicotine for a Better Sleep

Smoking can be detrimental to your health in many ways, one of which is affecting your sleep quality. Nicotine is a stimulant, meaning it can make it harder for you to fall asleep and stay asleep. Therefore, if you want to get better sleep, it’s time to quit smoking or avoid any form of nicotine after dark. Nicotine gum, patches, and vape pens should be entirely out of your routine if you’re seeking good sleep at night.

Staying Hydrated for Optimal Rest

One of the best ways to get better sleep is by staying hydrated throughout the day. Dehydration can cause many problems, including muscle cramps, headaches, and even reduced cognitive function. Drinking enough water can also help you sleep better. Aim to drink at least eight glasses of water a day to keep your body hydrated and in optimal condition.

Sweet Dreams Made of Cotton

If you’re looking to upgrade your sleep experience, investing in new cotton bedding that is both durable and breathable can make a big difference. Cotton is a popular choice for bedding due to its natural softness and breathability, which helps to regulate body temperature and reduce discomfort during the night. By choosing a sustainably-stylish custom bed set made from high-quality cotton, you can enjoy a luxurious and eco-friendly sleep surface that promotes optimal comfort and relaxation. With a wide range of colors and styles to choose from, finding the perfect bedding set can be an enjoyable and rewarding process that pays off with every peaceful night’s rest.

Trying a Weighted Blanket for a More Restful Sleep

Weighted blankets are great for people who suffer from anxiety and have trouble sleeping. They simulate a feeling of being hugged, which can provide comfort and soothe your mind to help you fall asleep faster. Weighted blankets come in different weights, so you can choose one that’s perfect for you. They’re also available in different materials, from cotton to minky fabrics.

Mind Over Matter

Mindful meditation is gaining popularity because of its numerous benefits. Practicing mindfulness before bed can help you relax and clear your mind, which can help you fall asleep faster. You don’t need any equipment to practice mindful meditation; all you need is a quiet space to sit and focus on your breath. Research shows that people who practice mindful meditation regularly report better sleep quality.

Progressive Muscle Relaxation Techniques That Work

If you’re looking for a natural and effective way to relax your body and mind before bedtime, progressive muscle relaxation techniques may be just what you need. This simple yet powerful method involves tensing and then relaxing various muscles in your body to promote relaxation and reduce stress levels. By practicing this exercise regularly, you can decrease anxiety, lower stress levels and enjoy a more restful night’s sleep. Whether you prefer to do it before bed or anytime during the day, incorporating progressive muscle relaxation into your routine is a great way to achieve a sense of calm and tranquility that will help you sleep better.

Getting better sleep is essential for your overall health and well-being. Try the tips above and see if they work for you. Remember, everyone’s body is different, so experiment with different techniques to find what works best for you. We hope you found these tips helpful, and we encourage you to share them with anyone who might benefit from better sleep. Sweet dreams

Thank you

Written by Kristin Louis

Kristin Louis


Preparing for Your Baby’s Arrival and the Launch of Your Small Business

The availability of remote work and digital technologies makes it increasingly easy for women caring for young children to stay home while still financially contributing to the household budget. Some even take it one step further and start their own home-based business, which offers them even more flexibility in terms of working hours and greater work-life balance. So if you’re thinking of taking that route as you await the arrival of your newborn, here are four ways to prepare for a great start right out of the gate: 

Prep Your Space

If you’re planning on starting a business and working from home after the arrival of your baby, make time to prepare a space for the both of you before your due date. Design an office/nursery combo that will allow you to work comfortably at your desk while your little one naps in a crib or bassinet next to you. Start by decluttering the room and steam-clean carpets and drapes to get rid of dust mites and other allergens. Don’t skimp on comfort, and invest in an office chair and desk designed to help you maintain good posture, as caring for a newborn can really take a toll on your neck, back, and shoulders. And keep baby essentials close at hand, so you don’t have to run to another room to change a diaper, breastfeed or clean up the inevitable spit up. 

Structure Your Small Business

Take care of state and local requirements to get your business in good standing before the baby’s arrival so you’ll have more time to bond with your little one instead of worrying about paperwork filings. Structuring your new venture as a limited liability company is ideal to keep personal, and business assets separate while benefiting from pass-through taxation, and solopreneurs can use an inexpensive online formation service to help them get set up. Your small business will also gain credibility, and customers’ confidence in your services or products will increase when you have a legitimate structure in place.

The easiest way to register your LLC is to work with a reputable formation service. Google “BestLLCServices.com cheapest LLC formation” to compare different services and their affordability. 

Design a Professional Website

For home-based companies, having an SEO-friendly, high-ranking website is the key to business growth and increased sales. Whether you do it yourself or you hire a web designer to help you, it will be well worth the time and money invested when you roll out a site that works on all mobile devices, with fast-loading pages, effective infographics, and educational or entertaining content that keeps your visitors engaged. Additionally, make sure to sign up with a secure online payment processing service that gives your customers plenty of options when it comes to paying for their purchases and offers a great checkout experience.  

Content marketing on your website is invaluable for reaching your target audience. That’s because it’s an effective way to provide useful and relevant information that can help build a customer base. You can use content marketing to deliver fresh content, highlight your unique brand voice, establish industry authority and educate customers about products or services offered. Visit Cornerstone Content to learn more about content creation and how it can help your business grow. 

Find Reliable Help      

Newborns’ schedules are notoriously unreliable during their first few months, so reach out to your friends and family members to find trustworthy individuals who will care for your baby while you need to tend to business uninterrupted. Being able to hire a babysitter for a couple of hours will come in handy if you have to participate in a virtual meeting, meet with clients in real life, finish up and deliver an urgent project, or if you simply need to take a little time for self-care and go out for coffee or some retail therapy with your bestie. And don’t feel guilty about asking for help in order to get some “me-time:” New moms need to rest, relax, recharge, stay active and socialize with other adults to keep postpartum depression and anxiety at bay.       

If you have a viable idea for a small business while you’re expecting a baby, start by establishing yourself as an LLC and building an online presence. Be sure to set up a comfortable workspace that will keep you pain-free and productive. And make time for self-care by finding a support network you can trust with your little one.  

Compassionate Care Doula can provide you with emotional and physical postpartum support. Schedule a consultation.

Article written by

Kristin Louis



How to Return to School and Work as a Stay-at-Home Parent

If you’ve been a stay-at-home parent for a while but your kids are getting older and more independent, then you might be ready to make a change in your life in Charleston, SC. Perhaps it’s time for you to return to school or work. If so, read on for some ideas to get started on a new adventure.

Research Degree Programs

If you’re thinking about going back to school for an advanced degree, then begin with some research. You might pursue a degree in marketing or accounting or even an MBA that can give you a whole new level of business skills. Affordable opportunities are plentiful these days, and many of them are fully online. Just be sure to choose an accredited program with competitive tuition rates.

Pursue Professional Development

Instead of a degree, you might choose a professional development course to enhance the skills you already have in your field. If you have experience in project management, for instance, consider taking an online course to learn about Scrum tactics and strategies. So how to choose an advanced certified Scrum Master course? Scrum is a tool to increase communication and collaboration between team members working on major projects. Choose a professional development program that provides an assessment to help you review what you’ve learned and validate your new skills.

Balance Your Life

Whether you’re in school or pursuing professional development, you’re going to have to achieve a balance between life and school. If you’ve already started working or running a business, you’ll need to figure that in as well. Purchase a planner, or set up a planner app on your phone and use it constantly. Stay organized by recording all your activities, assignment due dates, and other necessary information in one place. Also, be sure to set aside some downtime to spend relaxing alone or with your family. Delegate family and household responsibilities, too, so that you can avoid being swamped.

Prepare To Enter the Workforce

As you prepare to enter the workforce, make sure that your resume is up to date. This will help you in your job search in Charleston and beyond. You can use a free online resume template to create a professional, eye-catching resume. Just choose from a variety of professionally designed templates, and add in your own text and any photos or images you may want. Proofread your resume carefully. It should be free from errors and formatted perfectly. With this in place, you’re ready to start applying for jobs.

Start Your Own Business

You may, however, decide that you’d do better starting your own business. This would provide greater flexibility and possibly the opportunity to work from home. Find a niche that suits your skills and interests, and draw up a basic business plan. Then create a website, and start marketing to draw in your first customers or clients. You may end up with a profitable pursuit.

Set Off on an Adventure

If you’re ready to set off on the adventure of returning to school and work, then you’ll want to research degrees or professional development options and focus on balancing life and work priorities. You’ll also need to make some plans and preparations to either enter the workforce or start your business. Find additional resources for parents through Compassionate Care Doula.

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Article written by Kristin Louis. Thank you


Mindfulness Mind Body and Soul


               Image by Pexels




Mind-Body Wellness as a Way of Life


Holistic health is not just a practice, it’s a philosophy. It’s the idea that our physical, mental, and spiritual well-being is interdependent and inextricably linked. It’s based on the idea that we can live longer, happier, and healthier lives by treating our whole selves as opposed to just one part of ourselves.

For centuries, people have used certain natural ingredients from plants and animals to soothe the mind and body. Similarly, the holistic approach helps us connect with the natural world through exercise, diet, and mindfulness practices that benefit our mental and physical well-being.


Wellness Professionals

Chiropractor. Chiropractors use a variety of techniques to treat people and improve their health, including spinal manipulation, therapeutic massage and exercise rehabilitation in order to restore and maintain a healthy musculoskeletal system. One area of their expertise is in providing relief from chronic pain, which is caused by problems with the nervous system. A good chiropractor can help you find other ways to manage your pain besides medications that may have side effects.


Sleep Therapist/Specialist. A sleep specialist is a doctor who diagnoses and treats sleep disorders. Sleep psychologists focus on the mental and behavioral issues that contribute to sleep problems.

Because so many of us spend our lives in a state of constant alertness, we are often unable to wind down and relax at night. It is common, sometimes, to resort to medications or drugs as an alternative, yet these methods are not always the best optionbecause they are used as a crutch – they circumvent the problem instead of fixing it.


Doula. A doula provides care for the laboring woman as well as support to the family and caregivers that accompany her through the labor process with compassionate listening and coaching. Their role is not limited to physical care; they are also there to provide emotional support through their experience.

A professional doula like Compassionate Care Doula offers many services for the expectant mother and family, like evidence-based birth and childbirth classes, placenta encapsulation services, and traditional Moroccan postpartum services and ceremonies.


Mental Health Counselors. Mental health counselors do more than just provide emotional support for their patients; they also provide important insights into their patient’s lifestyles and habits that could help them make the necessary changes in order to improve their wellbeing.

You can access mental health services virtually if in-person counseling doesn’t fit your schedule. Online therapy is convenient, secure, private, and less of a commitment than in-person therapy. When you choose to see an online therapist, you’ll have a wider variety of licensed professionals to choose from, save time on travel, and pay less for mental health care. Many therapists also offer a complimentary consultation to ensure you find the right match. Cost is sometimes a concern. So when you ask how much is online therapy, you’ll be surprised to find how affordable it is. 


Mind-Body Exercises

Yoga. Yoga not only decreases stress, anxiety, and pain, but it helps in increasing the quality of life without any side effects. Its aim is to help people reach a state of physical, mental, and spiritual well-being by developing positive values and attitudes that help in coping with the stresses of life.

Tai Chi. Tai Chi is a Chinese martial art that has many health benefits, such as reduced stress and increased bone density. This ancient style of exercise includes slow movements with focused breathing.

Mindfulness. Mindfulness is the ability to focus on all senses and maintain a positive mood, rather than letting your brain be taken over by stress. It has many benefits, including lower blood pressure, reduced depression, and increased happiness.


Family Wellness

Play. Children thrive when they are involved in activities they enjoy and find useful. They also thrive when they learn how to share, play together, set limits, and set boundaries.

Child-Led Learning. The practice of child-led learning is not solely about having children as the ones who set the agenda but, it’s also about meeting each child where they are and giving them opportunities to explore their own interests and passions.

Before You Buy. Before you purchase any products for your child, you should read in-depth product reviews from unbiased sources. Online family care advice is like a whole network of parents looking out for each other’s best interests. 

Feeling better and having an overall better outlook on life is something we all strive for, and as it turns out, in many cases, the old natural ways are the best ways.

Thank you for writing this article.

by Jenna Sherman jennasherman@parent-leaders.com










How to Plan a Family While Carrying a Genetic Disorder

Carrying a genetic disorder doesn’t have to interfere with your plans to have a family. Here are some tips for thoughtful family planning in light of your genetic condition.

Gather Information

Having an idea of your family’s medical history can give you important information and peace of mind. Ask your family members if they’re aware of any familial health problems. Understand that not all genetic disorders are automatically passed down. Some conditions, such as cystic fibrosis, require both parents to be a carrier of the gene. Others, such as Marfan syndrome only require one parent to be a carrier of the gene. And even if there’s a family history of a particular health problem, remember that treatments for once chronic or even fatal conditions have been invented or improved upon dramatically in the past few decades alone. 

Use Genetic Testing

Genetic testing can seem daunting, but it’s an important step to understanding your health situation. A genetic counselor is a certified medical professional who’s qualified to review your medical history and make recommendations for genetic testing. By being tested, you can unlock more information about your genetic disorder and possibly identify ways to mitigate symptoms or adverse effects.

Consider Fertility Treatments

Fertility treatments aren’t just for people who struggle to conceive naturally. They can also be helpful for individuals who have a genetic disorder that they are at risk of passing down to their children.

A benefit of fertility treatments is that embryos can be screened for genetic conditions. If chromosomal abnormalities are detected, your provider can help you determine your next steps, which may involve selecting the healthiest embryos for the next steps of treatment. Or, you could choose to use donated embryos. Of course, this technology is evolving and outcomes aren’t guaranteed, but fertility treatments and genetic testing can give you excellent information about the health of your future children.

Try Therapy

Talk therapy can be a helpful tool in handling the emotions that come with planning a family while carrying a genetic disorder. Try to find a local therapist in Charleston, South Carolina, who specializes in working with people in these circumstances. A licensed professional is often an invaluable resource when it comes to maintaining your mental health as you plan for a family.

Get Ready to Move

Adding members to your family may require adding some square footage to your current living arrangement. As you house hunt throughout the Charleston area, keep an eye on mortgage rates and discuss with your lender what type of loan is right for you, including a conventional, FHA, or VA loan. Learn more about your options at PennyMac.com.

It’s a good idea to shop for a home that can support your growing family. For example, if you have a disorder that could potentially affect you or your children’s mobility, think about purchasing a one-level home. Also, consider buying a home close to a medical institution, such as Roper Hospital or MUSC Health University Medical Center, if you anticipate needing care.

Knowledge Is Power

It’s important to get all the information you can about your condition and the implications it has for your family’s future. In doing so, you’ll have a better chance at creating a happy, healthy family. For information on transitioning to the 4th trimester at home, visit Compassionate Care Doula.

Written by

Kristin Louis



Thank you Kristin

Essential Items for your Hospital Bag

A Guide for New Parents: Essential Items for Your Hospital Bag

Photo credit: Pexels.com

Bringing a baby from the hospital is incredibly exciting. That said, it’s perfectly understandable to be nervous. Many parents panic and doubt that they’re ready for what’s to come. Relax — you can do this! Even after reading this guide you need additional advice as to what to bring to the hospital come delivery day and what to leave behind, you can always reach out to your doula, who can provide some suggestions.

The more you prepare before bringing your little one home, the better off you’ll be. One thing you can do in advance is to make sure your hospital bag is properly packed with all the essentials for mom and baby. Compassionate Care Doulaoffers some pro tips to help you cover all the bases. 

Get a bag just for the hospital.

Don’t just grab any old duffle bag or oversized purse for your baby’s hospital bag. Go ahead and invest in a dedicated diaper bag. This will have special pockets for diapers, bottles, and even your cell phone. It will help keep you organized on the immediate trip home from the hospital and after. Pampers has a quick guide on how to choose a fitting bag, covering the pros and cons of various styles from messenger bags to backpacks.

Pack comfy clothes for mom and baby.

Odds are that you will be at the hospital for a few days, and your stay will be made easier with the right birth team. You also want to equip your hospital bag for comfort, with some basic personal hygiene items, like a toothbrush, toothpaste, lip balm hairbrush, and deodorant. Then, add the clothing mom and baby will need after birth.

Stores like Kindred Bravely offer a selection of postpartumrobes, nursing bras, and gowns made of cozy materials for maximum comfort. If you have opted for surrogacy or adoption, these also make a great gift for the surrogate or birth mother. What about the baby? Check out this list from The Bump, which highlights must-haves like a onesie, hat, socks, and blanket.

Include an extra cellphone charger.

You’ll likely be spending a few days at the hospital. Make sure to pack your cellphone charger. Opt for an extra-long cablethat can reach from any outlet in the room to the hospital bed. You can also get a power bank, giving you a portable charger that isn’t reliant on socket location. Given that you’re sure to want to take loads of pictures of your new baby, you don’t want your phone battery to give out.

Include bottles, formula, and diapers.

Usually, the hospital will send you off with a starter pack of baby basics like diapers. It’s good to go ahead and pack extras just in case, however. You may also want to pack bottles and a breast pump. The nurses at the hospital can show you how to use this device. Some hospitals even have lactation specialists. If you decide against breastfeeding, you’ll need to pack formula.

Don’t forget the car seat.

A car seat certainly won’t fit inside your diaper bag, but it’s essential to bringing your baby home from the hospital safely, so it’s worth a mention! Make sure to invest in a new, high-quality car seat that is suitable for a newborn. Install it in your vehicle beforehand so you don’t have to deal with this added stress on the day you bring your baby home. 

Taking these steps to prepare and pack your hospital bag in advance will ensure you’re ready to bring your new baby home safely. This will also alleviate nerves and give you confidence, allowing you to truly enjoy this magical moment.

Dawn Oliver CDI (TDMA) of Compassionate Care Doula is committed to telling women the truth about childbirth, their bodies, and their options. Connect to find out more! 631-268-4119

Written by Gwen Payne gwenpayne@invisiblemoms.com Thank you Gwen

Here is the Best Parenting Advice for Every Age and Stage

Becoming a parent is rewarding, but many parents also find themselves at a loss at certain stages. As your child grows, you must learn new ways to manage behavior and keep them safe. Fortunately, there is plenty of great advice out there for both new and veteran parents.

Compassionate Care Doula offers birth and postpartum services, as well as childbirth education. Sign up for one of our birth education classes today.

Enjoy the Early Years (and Maintain Your Sanity)

Welcoming a newborn — and caring for a baby — can be exhausting. But there are ways to make things easier and ensure your child is getting an excellent start.

How to Establish a Routine for Your Baby
12 Ways to Bond with Your Baby

Enter Toddlerhood with an Eye on Preschool Progress

The toddler years can be both enjoyable and anxiety-inducing as your little one learns to push boundaries and develop a sense of self. While your toddler or preschooler will likely begin to resist naptime, they need energy for all the learning that’s taking place.

How to Prepare Your Toddler for Preschool
Best Ways to Help Children Fall Asleep at Nap Time

Boost Confidence and Skill-Building in School-Age Kids

Elementary-age children are undergoing many changes and challenges in their young lives. Building both lifelong skills and a sense of confidence are necessary steps for parents.

Building Independence in Elementary-Age Children
6 Life Skills Kids Need for the Future
7 Ways to Help Your Child Develop Positive Self-Esteem

Give Teens Some Space (with Healthy Limits)

Many parents struggle to connect with their teens, but safety is also a concern. Appropriate boundaries can help contribute to a happier household from tween age and on.

10 Strategies to Limit Your Teen’s Screen Time
Setting Healthy Rules and Consequences for Teenagers

Don’t Neglect Yourself

When you’re raising children, it can be easy to forget about the things you’d like to do. However, you need to set aside some time for yourself whenever possible.

Winnie’s Best Hobbies to Help Exhausted Parents Unwind

Zenbusiness Recommends Finding a Good Work-Life Balance

Parenting is, understandably, fluid throughout your child’s life. Some periods of life are downright frustrating, while others are full of pure joy. However, with the right tools and perspective, you can remain an effective parent no matter what stage your child is in.

Photo via wordpress

Written by Jenna Sherman

Thank you Jenna ,

she can be reached at jennasherman@parent-leaders.com

Amazing Apps to help you in Your First Year of Parenthood

Are you expecting your first baby? First-time parents go through a major adjustment period when they welcome a new little bundle of joy to the family. You’re over the moon about your new baby, but it can all get a little overwhelming. Do you need some extra advice? Here are a few of our favorite apps that are great for first-time parents with a new baby.

Ready, Set, Baby!

A great app for first-time parents is the Ready, Set, Baby! app that will teach you everything you need to know about your baby’s first year of life. You can access instructions on how to nurse your baby, cut your little one’s fingernails, rock your baby back to sleep in the middle of the night, or set up a car seat. You’ll be able to use these resources when and where you need them, without stressing about all the things you don’t know yet. You can also watch videos or read helpful articles about giving your baby the best care. 

Mommy Saver: High Contrast Baby Visual Stimulation

Do you need a quick break from your little one? With the Mommy Saver app, you can steal a few moments of calm by giving your baby a sensory experience. They’ll see high-contrast images, interesting movements and shapes moving across the screen, and classical music to give them a full sensory experience. Your crying baby will instantly be calmed, and you can have some quiet time knowing that your little one is getting a brain boost

Baby Tracker Breastfeeding App

If you’re breastfeeding your baby, it’s important to track how long you’ve been feeding and how much you’ve nursed on each side. The Baby Tracker Breastfeeding app takes all the stress out of breastfeeding, and you’ll know exactly how much your little one has eaten. You can also record bottle feedings, milk pumpings, and solid food feeding all in one place. You can even keep track of your baby’s weight and make sure they’re meeting their growth targets.

Milestone Memories

Cherish the time you have with your new baby, and track your baby’s growth with the Milestone Memories app. This is the best app for keeping all your memories in one place, and you can snap pictures at each and every stage of your little one’s development. You’ll be able to document all the exciting firsts as your baby learns to roll, crawl, eat, and walk in the first 20 months of their precious lives. With a great checklist to help you snap the best pictures, you’ll have memories of all the best moments of parenthood.

Angi App

As a new parent, your priority will be protecting your child. If you need to make safety modifications to your home or property, the Angi app can help you connect with local professionals. For example, you may want to keep your yard secure by installing a new fence, which averages $4,500 depending on which materials you use and the size of your property. When considering fencing companies, always review customer feedback and ratings and insist that they’re licensed and insured. 

Technology Is a Lifesaver

As you embark on the adventure of a lifetime, your smartphone will be a lifesaver. You’ll use it to track your baby’s growth, remember feeding times, soothe your baby with music, and capture beautiful memories and pictures. You may also use your phone to read an e-book or watch Netflix after your baby has fallen asleep on your chest in the baby room, and you don’t want to move. 

Make sure your current smartphone has the speed and power to operate these apps effectively. With an up-to-date phone, you can access all the technology and apps you need every day, wherever you are.   


Being a first-time parent is exciting, but you’ll have days when you’re exhausted and stressed. Take the guesswork out of parenting and download the apps you need to enjoy every moment of your new baby’s life.

For prenatal and postpartum birth services, reach out to experienced doula Dawn Oliver at Compassionate Care Doula.

Article written by Jenna Sherman jennasherman@parent-leaders.com

Thank You! Jenna!